Touhou Musou Roku v0.018 Patchnotes

Dev Build v0.014

- Combo Counter implemented. Try to achieve "Combo x999" hits.

- Implemented "Damage Scaling" mechanic, consecutive hits reduces the damage of followup attacks.

- Further bug fix: "Damage Scaling" applies and "Combo Counter" increases only if current attack was not blocked. 

- [Damage], [Combo Damage] and [Max Combo Damage] metrics are now shown in Training Mode. 

- Bug fix: When [Damage Hitbox] and [Throw Hitbox] are traded, the first successfully overlapped Hitbox only will take effect by Race Condition. With this, both characters will not stuck in taking the corresponding animations (taking damage vs. being thrown). 

- Meter-Burn attacks (EX-Special Attack and Exhausting Strike) doesn't have an i-frames for the entire move long anymore, and are now punishable on recovery (highly unsafe). 

- Aerial Combat improved: Jumping Attacks can be used for aerial incoming assault. 

- Hitboxes of some attacks are now significantly larger. 

- Grab Break is completely invulnerable. 

- Directional Jump trajectory adjusted to jump over other player at point blank distance. 

- Total rebalancing of Damage and various Move Properties. 

- Versus Battle is now Best of Three. 

- Great rework of optimization, reduced overall graphics quality (dynamic shadows now should harm less) 

- Slightly improved the performance of UMG widgets. 

- Projectiles can't still deal damage on hitbox overlap if clashed with opponent's projectiles. 

- Bug Fix: "Soft Knockdown" combo state doesn't keep the invulnerability status during/after Wake Up. 

- Combo Limits are implemented. No more infinite loops! 

- Followup Update: [Super] and [Ultra] attacks will ignore Combo Limits. 

- Fully updated the Level Select HUD widget to properly represent the selectable Levels. 

- New Arena: Scarlet Devil Mansion - Clock Tower Exterior 

- New Arena: Killer Instinct-like stylized Training Room. 

- Meter-Burn moves are checked for Required Cost before getting buffered. This excludes the situations when move was accidentally used because of it got buffered without having enough meter and required cost has been reached a bit later. 

- Directional Normal Attacks now can be cancelled into Special Attacks. 

- [Get Up] timer drops to zero on receiving damage. This should fix a bug when target character comes to "Wake Up" state when it is not intended. 

- Yin-Yang Saw can't be proceed to followup Yin-Yang Saw moves if Reimu became too far from the projectile because of Pushblock effect. 

- Double effect of Smooth Slide-off velocity now applies to other player instead of the character self (as it really supposed to be). "Stop Movement Immediately" function is called if Landed on the ground only. Smooth Slide-off doesn't affect Z-axis anymore. 

- "Miko Drill" is now jump-cancellable on 5th hit confirm, making this move comboable into aerial attacks after successful Ground Bounce. 

- To avoid collision with Ground Bounced opponent while attempting to jump, Ground Bounce now has 50.0f Pushback value. This value affects the attacking character instead if target character is cornered. 

- "Onmyoudama (Aerial)" projectile getting destroyed upon character landing at first 15 frames of the move. 

- Hotfix: Fixed the anim. transition priorities between [Wake Up] and [Hit Reaction], fixing a rare issue when playing a Wake Up animation instead of Hit Reaction if got a hit in the same frame the Hard Knockdown time expires. 

- Character State is not overridden by Combo Limits anymore. It should not be determined before actually receiving damage. 

- New fully dynamic and animated "Character BIO" screen, using Scene Capture in 3D Space. 

- When applying a Ground Bounce against cornered opponent, Smooth Slide Away now occurs only at point-blank distance - no need to push the character away if the distance apart is already far enough. 

- When an opponent flips out from combo due to reaching the combo limit, the last hit will still count towards this combo.

- Cosmetic: Improved "Hitstun" Animations 

- Move List: Exhausting Strike is now listed before unique Meter Burn Moves. 

- New BGM for Hakurei Shrine. 

Dev Build v0.015 

- Bug Fix: Forward Heavy attack now properly can be cancelled into Forward Special attack. Thanks @Shawnthebro for bug catching. 

- Attacking character will be pushed away from cornered opponent. This will not affect aerial attacks, projectiles, meter burn moves and root motion. 

- Fixed an issue with game crash upon interacting with [Versus Battle End HUD] widget. 

- Fixed an issue with Promo video not being packaged into the Game Dev Build. Also, it now will ask to be played once per Game Instance. 

- Hitstun of aerial attacks has been increased significantly. With this, aerial L-M-H series now will always connect into Combo. 

- "Onmyoudama" (Forward Special) now has [Crumple] Combo-State, making it a decent combo-starter. 

- Stagger Combo-state now applies [Restand] on juggled target. 

- "Miko Dive" now has [Force OTG] attribute. 

- "Yin-Yang Saw Takeoff" now has [Force OTG] attribute, opening a way to use it as OTG after Mid-Screen Hard Knockdowns. 

- Bug Fix: Target player character now can properly enter the [Round Lost] anim.sequence if was defeated by [Capture] combo-state. 

- Bug Fix: Target player character now can properly flip out of combo if the limit of used [Capture] combo-state has been exceeded.

Dev Build v0.016 

- Added a tracking of "Held Inputs". Multi-Input commands now requires both inputs to be held to execute a command. 

- Charged Moves will remain charged when Input Buffer clears on Chargeable Attack Transition. With this, it is possible to buffer a charged move to followup. 

- Bug Fix: "Yin-Yang Demon Orb" is now attached to Reimu Character (Actor). With this, if Reimu was pushed away for any reason (mainly by "smooth slide" effect), the projectile will also move in corresponding direction. 

- Bug Fix: [Crouching] to [Forward Special] - Now cannot release one more projectile while previous one exists. 

- Bug Fix: [Dash Forward] to [Forward Special] - Now checks for existence of correct projectile. 

- Input Buffering has been completely revamped. From now on, only one next move will be buffered and executed as soon as possible. The move will be executed no matter what, so it will be a bad idea to mash the buttons. 

- Commands can be buffered during Blockstun, making any incoming attack consistently punishable on blocking. Considering this, Framedata may be adjusted in future updates. 

- New "Pushblock" mechanic: when successfully blocking an incoming attack, press [Special Attack] while [Manual Blocking] is held to push the attacker away and avoid the pressure. Press [Special Attack] again to buffer the Special Attack, or don't hold [Manual Blocking] to buffer the attack instantly. 

- Added a Highlight to the filled SUPER/ULTRA-bars. New UI sound is played when bar is filled. 

- Bug Fix: [Crumple] effect now can be properly continued to [Throw]. 

- Bug Fix: [Charged Crouching Special] now properly comes to [Hit Reaction] and [Round Lost] route. 

- "Super Armor" mechanic changed: now it works very close to Blocking - it does not affect Combo counter, and damage is reduced to 20% (Chip Damage). Opponent still cannot be defeated by receiving this damage (Health is clamped to 1), and still cannot be thrown. 

- A hit landed into Super Armor will not be counted as Confirmed.

- Target Player Character will not refresh facing when receiving a hit during Super Armor. 

- [Reset Training] option: In Training Mode, now able to press Tab/Select to reset the training match immediately. No more need to pause the game, select "Rematch" and reload the entire stage. 

- Bug Fix: No more attempts to destroy a Projectile upon collision with Scene Border if its Hitbox is not valid. This fixes an incorrect behavior if Projectile was spawned inside the Scene Border and collided before a Hitbox was spawned. 

- Hotfix: [Super/Ultra Bar Charge] sound now doesn't overlap itself. 

- Hotfix: [Max Combo Damage] value now persists after Training Match Reset.

Dev Build v0.017 

- Bug Fix: Training Match Reset now depends on [Y Input Axis] instead of EDirectionalInput Enum, and consistently moves the characters to the desired destination on Reset. 

- Bug Fix: When [Throw] Hitbox successfully landed, it calls [Force Refresh Facing] for both characters. This fixes an issue with [Throw Reaction] animation plays in incorrect direction when [Throw] was used from behind the target character. 

- Bug Fix: [Hit Reaction] has a higher priority than [Jump]. This should fix an issue with incorrect action. 

- Bug Fix: Character's Facing is no more Refreshed during Yin-Yang Saw Followups. This fixes an issue with launching the Saw in incorrect direction and has a proper visualization of the move. 

- Bug Fix: Pose of Blocking now updates not every Tick only, but on Movement and certain events too, to make sure it always has a proper value. 

- Many [integer64] variables are changed to [integer]. 

- No Moves will be buffered when [Pushblock] is used. 

Dev Build v0.018 

- Full revamp of Stages: Every Stage now has a perfectly flat floor with no steps and obstacles. 

- Fully implemented Cutscene Mode. Currently used for Character Intro/Outro and Super Move cinematics only, but will be used in Story Mode cutscenes in future updates. 

- Bug Fix: "Crumple" now can be properly applied to Crouching opponent. This also fixes a relative aftermath, like softlock of Combo Counter and an incorrect juggle-out by any followup hit. 

- Aerial Blockstun now has priority over Aerial Attacks. 

- Bug Fix: Hit Reaction should not be overriden by Attack Transition over Race Condition anymore. With this, the character should not execute an attack when got hit at the same frame the attack was supposed to begin. 

Get [MMD] Touhou: Gathering Reverie v0.030

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