Touhou Musou Roku v0.013 Patchnotes

Dev Build v0.009: 

- Improved Hitboxes functionality, checking Data Tables from inside the function of Hitbox Creation. 

- Outdated code cleaned, unused functions removed. Input Buffer improved to recognize the charged inputs. 

- New "Stagger" combo-state implemented.

- Being defeated with Crumple combo-state will result a proper animation of defeat.

- Many graphical improvements: New Main Menu 3D Screen, recreated from the Original TMR intro. New graphics for Character Select Screen by PS_Master. HUD elements now are using Material Instances too. New startup Loadscreen with a Disclaimer. Improved lighting. Main Menu Hall is a bit brighter. Ambient occlusion has been removed from Character Material to avoid incorrect shading into black color in certain arenas.

- Player Character's Collision Component now has a cube shape. As it is a flat surface now, it is possible to land on it and collide with it properly, triggering the event of slide off other player, and don't get stuck in the corner, between other player's Collision Component and The Wall.

- Reimu's [6M] "Knee Crush" now has extra active frames and larger hitboxes, making it easier to be connected in combo.

- Reumu's [HS] "Yin-Yang Demon Orb" SUPER got a buff: Danmaku now has force OTG status and can be connected against Wake Up state. Overall Damage has been raised up to 500 (was 400).

- Over 9000 more glitches fixed (and one sudden glitch found). 

Dev Build v0.010: 

- Input handled by BasePlayerController code class instead of Player Character blueprint class. It includes, but not limited to, combat input of Player Characters.

- Match States are implemented. Match Flow (from Player Character Entrances to Match End) is now handled by these Match States in Default Game Mode blueprint class.

- Skipping of Character Entrance Cinematics has been implemented.

Dev Build v0.011:

- Pushback reapplied on Animation Full Blend (once per Blend), making it take effect even if used over Root Motion. It directly affects the velocity of Juggle. 

- New "Wall Bounce" and "Capture" combo states. 

 - Match States: Fixed an issue when able to call [Pause Menu] widget again from Main Menu after exit to Main Menu from [Pause Menu] widget. 

- New "Super Armor" condition. It will be immune to Hitstun, Pushback, Throws and Lethal Damage. Target character still can Receive Damage, but 1 HP will remain, making Super Armor a Lifesafer state. 

- Bug Fix: Pushback now may have a negative value, making it possible to drag the opponent toward an attacking character. "Force OTG" attacks does not override the pushback distance anymore, so the target character will not stuck in the "Launch Reaction" state without actually being pushed away if was successfully hit with [OTG + Wall Bounce] combo state. Leaving the "Knockdown" anim.state will always illegalize an OTG condition. 

Dev Build v0.012: 

Updated to Unreal Engine v4.27.2

- From now on, Animation Playrate Basis is counted in Frames multiplied by Tick Delta Time (frame length in real time). 

 - Bug fix: Tick Delta Time is now scaled back if affected by changing of Global Time Dilation. 

- Bug Fix: Directional Inputs aren't being cleared from buffer upon returning to Idle (basically, upon whenever this function called) anymore. With this, Dash can be properly performed from [Idle] by double-tapping the Direction. 

- Backward Dash gives immunity to Throws. 

- Added Voice lines for Taking Damage. 

- New [K.O.] sound and special [Victory] sound for Versus Mode. 

- [Blocking] Visual Effect now implemented through the Character Blueprint instead of Animation Blueprint. 

- [Blocking] Visual Effect now properly bound to character's pose of blocking. 

- "Phantasy Seal" (Ultra) - projectiles are not instantly destroyed when shot landed. 

- "Phantasy Seal" (Ultra) - projectiles doesn't remain on the scene forever when shot missed. 

- Bug Fix: [Round Lost; Ground Fall] (Anim.State) now has transition to [Round Lost; Launch; Defeat] if wasn't legally affected by expected Ground Bounce for any reason. 

- Separate [OTG] Anim.State was removed from the graph. Instead, "Off The Ground" bounces are now handled by Pushback Velocity. The Hitbox how has two pushback vectors: general [Pushback] which applies by default when a target character receives a hit, and [OTG Pushback] which has another value and applies when a target player is in Legit OTG condition. OTG Pushback now applies for both [Off The Ground] Combo State and [Force OTG] condition. 

Dev Build v0.013: 

- Added a "Move List" option to the Pause Menu. "Move List" contains a concept of moves for all characters, but obviously it doesn't represent the final version and can be changed later. 

- New dynamic "Controls List" widget showing the menu navigation inputs. 

- Bug Fix: Fixed an issue when "Yin-Yang Saw" was able to be used again from Crouching, despite of previous projectile still existed. 

- Corrected the animation of "Yin-Yang Saw" followup moves. 

- Bug Fix: [Wall Bounce: Launch] anim.state now can properly change to [Fall Result] if this character has touched the ground before reaching the wall to bounce from. 

- Bug Fix: Invincibility from "Breakaway" and "Flip Out" now properly ends when character touches the ground. It fixes an issue when the character stays invincible if "Crouch" or "Blocking" input was held during "Breakaway". 

- Bug Fix: In Character Select HUD, now cannot call a "Character BIO" screen during "Return to Main Menu" screen has been called. 

- Bug Fix: Animations aren't trying to update when the game is paused. With this, anim.transitions will not attempt to be taken and related events will not stack infinitely in queue while the character is "frozen" in pause. 

- Fully implemented Framedata Display. 

- Bug Fix: When breaking the Throw, only Attacker's Framedata is shown, as other player isn't executing an attack but breaking the incoming Throw instead. 

- Bug Fix: [Active] Frames doesn't return zero when initially inactive hitbox never becomes active due of owning character takes damage. 

- Crouching character now can be properly affected by [Capture] combo state. 

- Throw Reaction System was completely revamped, and now is fully handled by Hitbox Overlap instead of chained anim. transitions in the State Machine. Both characters can't take any damage from other Hitboxes while Throw Reaction is active.

Get [MMD] Touhou: Gathering Reverie v0.030

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